In-game shop
The in-game shop in Pookiez game will offer a variety of items for players to purchase to enhance their Pookiez NFT .
Power-ups: Players can buy temporary power-ups for their Pookiez NFT such as increased attack power, increased defense power, increased speed, increased health, and more. These power-ups can give players a strategic advantage during player versus player combat.
Revive Token: players can buy a revive token that allows the player to revive their Pookiez NFT once per battle
Special Attacks: Players can purchase special attacks such as fireballs, ice blasts, and more to give their Pookiez NFT unique abilities.
Costumes: Players can purchase different costumes for their Pookiez NFT to customize their appearance.
Essences: As mentioned before players can buy or sell essences in the marketplace.
All these items can be purchased using $POOK tokens, which can be earned by staking Pookiez NFT, winning battles, and completing in-game challenges. The in-game shop will be constantly updated with new items, providing players with a wide range of options to enhance their Pookiez NFT and make them more powerful in the arena.
It's worth to notice that the items bought in the shop will be non-fungible and they will be tied to the Pookiez NFT, this means the player will be able to sell the items along the Pookiez NFT in the marketplace.
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